Sammy's Pet Profile
Sammy's Life Plan
Health Alerts
Routine care reminder
Health alert
Health advice
Owner-initiated reminder
Disease screening suggestion
What the veterinarian does
Disease screening
What the veterinarian does
Disease screening
What the veterinarian does
Disease screening
What the veterinarian does
Disease screening
Routine Care Alerts
  • Rabies: Your pet is due on 17th of November 2017 for vaccination ! Please contact your veterinarian to schedule an appointment. Some "Core" routine vaccines for adults may be give only once every 3 years, but may need titre testing to confirm immunity Please consult with your veterinarian.
What the veterinarian does
Disease screening
What the veterinarian does
Disease screening
Routine Care Alerts
  • Dental Cleaning: Dental Cleaning is due on 15th of November 2020 !
  • Nail trim: Nail trim is due on 15th of January 2021 !
  • Bathing / Grooming: Bathing / Grooming is due on 15th of December 2020 !
  • Heartworms: Your pet's heartworm prevention is due on 10th of May 2019. Don't forget to give it today, or order some more !
  • Tapeworms: Your pet is due on 4th of November 2021 for Tapeworm parasite control ! Please give the medication as directed. Note you may have received this notification if the parasite control product you are using does not cover Tapeworms, please contact your veterinarian if you have any concerns.
  • Fleas: Your pet's flea control is overdue. Please apply the medication as directed. In winter times where there are no fleas you may be able to stop this medication, please contact your veterinarian to discuss if you have any concerns.
What the veterinarian does
Disease screening
Routine Care Alerts
  • Parvo/distemper/hepatitis: Your pet is due on 21st of May 2022 for vaccination of the main core vaccines ! Please contact your veterinarian to schedule an appointment. Core vaccines for adults are usually due every 3 years, but this may change depending on your veterinarian's recommendations.
  • Canine cough: Your pet is due on 4th of August 2022 for Kennel (Canine) Cough vaccination ! Please contact your veterinarian to schedule an appointment. If you dog does not associate with other dogs on a regular basis or planning a stay at a boarding facility, they may not need to have this vaccine. Please discuss this with your veterinarian if you have any concerns.
What the veterinarian does
Disease screening
Sammy's Health Questionnaire